Tithing: Another View

Many churches, including the United Pentecostal Church (UPCI), teach that tithing is a biblical mandate for today. However, not all churches or Christians agree on this point. Below you will find links to other writings which debate or disagree that tithing was carried on by the New Testament church. When you study the origins of tithing, what was tithed, and who the tithes went to, it makes for an interesting study. How are tithes used today? Who receives them? They certainly are not being sent to the tribe of Levi. It is impossible today to tithe biblically.

Some UPCI churches say all the tithes belong to the pastor, as my former pastor did. In fact, part of the time I attended, the pastor had us make our tithes checks payable directly to him and not the church. Does your church regularly and voluntarily give account of the tithes and offerings and how the money is used? My former church did not always do this and sometimes the pastor was not happy when a member asked for an accounting of church funds. He could write a check out of the church account for anything at anytime, without needing the approval of another church member.

The few times a financial account was given, there was usually a substantial sum under the miscellaneous column. Perhaps it was because the church members may not have been pleased knowing that the church paid for one of his daughters to go to a family reunion...or because money collected for clam shells for the parking lot was never used for this purpose...or some of the money collected for a new organ was supposed to go toward a plaque which was to include the names of those who donated and it was never done...or a loan that was supposed to pay for a new shed and was never used for that...or... You get the idea.

The following videos and writings are included to give the reader another perspective on this issue. I do not necessary agree with everything that is included. For those who will claim I must not have tithed while a UPC member, I always tithed and did so on my gross income the entire time I was a member. I also gave to offerings and other special fund raisers and even sometimes paid church bills on top of this. I put hundreds of dollars of my own money into the daycare classroom I was assigned to as a teacher and voluntarily worked extra hours for no additional pay. So don't try and discredit my views on this based on your faulty assumption that I didn't properly tithe or give.

Below are videos from Ralph Brickley and Deanna Jo Norton, who each do a good job explaining why tithing is not for New Testament Christians. Deanna's channel is fully endorsed by this website.

Below is a video from Larry Jones who asks, "Did Jesus the carpenter tithe? Did the fishermen brothers - Peter and Andrew, James and John - tithe? What about Matthew the tax collector and Luke the physician? The answer will surprise almost every viewer". Stay with it as at first it doesn't appear he is covering the subject. It starts at about the 4:45 mark.

Below is a second video: "There is little resemblance between God's tithe, as initiated through Moses, and the evangelical tithe as initiated by.... uhm.... ah.... Hey, just who activated the evangelical tithe, anyhow? And when?"

Larry released at least six additional tithing videos: Jesus, Do you want me to tithe?, Jesus does not want you to tithe, Tithers defend the indefensible tithe, Pastor Whoever vs Jesus Christ, Pastor Whoever vs Jesus Christ Part 2 and Tithing Is A Sting Operation.

The History Of Tithes by Rev. H.W. Clarke is an old book from the 1800s, shared in its entirety. Included are many tithing income figures of that time as well as information showing that churches have practiced this for hundreds of years.

The Tithe That Binds by Rory O. Moore- Rory was a licensed UPC minister. I felt the book was good in places, but also felt some things were faulty. I think it would have been better if he had omitted some things, such as his beliefs about churches, and simply stuck to tithing. It may be read free here.

Are You Giving To God With A Cheerful Heart or Tithing By Law To Benefit Yourself? Excerpts from the book The Empty Pulpit

Tithing, Robbing God by Restoring the Law of Moses by Ken Sublett

Is Tithing For New Testament Christians? by Ralph Brickley

Is Tithing Required in the Church Age? by Dave Combs

Tithing Abolished by Jerry

Tithing and Hebrews by Jerry

Analysis of 1997 Tithing Letter by Mark Tabladillo

Tithe...or Go To Hell? by Mark Tabladillo

The Truth About Tithing: Old Testament Perspective by George Potkonyak

Why Modern Churches Are Carnal: God's Plan for a Scriptural New Testament Church by J.B. Sparks

Are We Obligated To Tithe? by Matt Slick

Tithing is Unscriptural Under the New Covenant by L. Ray Smith

A Study Of Enforced Giving And Tithing Within The Church by Jim Peacock

Tithes And Tithing: Can We Honestly Face Up To The Truth? by Robin A. Brace

Tithing, The Truth About Tithing And The Tithe by Richard Wayne Garganta

Tithing not a law for Christians by Robert K. Sanders

Updated March 29, 2023


August 23, 1997
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