Dedicated to the memory of  Michelle H. Fox.

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Detailed articles concerning unreported child sexual abuse going back decades at Calvary Gospel Church in Madison, Wisconsin start here. This church & pastors John & Roy Grant hit the front page news on August 7, 2019 & a 2nd article on August 15. Roy Grant tried to raise the dead at a funeral on Sept. 25, 2019.

Controversy over buildings owned by the Revival Center of Modesto was reported in 2015. Under pressure the author removed the story, but it is yet available.

UPC minister Tony Sasnett of Greater Faith Apostolic Church was found guilty of two class D felony charges. UPC minister Michael Rodney Jones of Norfolk Apostolic Church plead guilty to secretly videotaping a pastor’s wife and daughter while they were naked. UPC pastor Michael Orten defends using sex offender Thomas Hopper and compares stealing candy to raping a 13 year old. UPC pastor Kenneth Hogue is guilty of wire fraud charges and embezzlement.

Manfred Malagon, a minister from a UPCI church in Elgin, IL (daughter church of International Christian Fellowship), was sued by a former member. Read here and see the court papers. There was a voluntary dismissal on October 24, 2018.

Grooming and Gaslighting in High Control Churches

Our Blog Series

Examining Teachings: A five part series examining erroneous teachings.
Leaving An Unhealthy Church: An eighteen part series.
Informational Posts on Speaking In Tongues: A twelve part series.
Harmed In The United Pentecostal Church: A five part series.
United Pentecostal Manual: A six part series on rules and licensing.
Then & Now: A series on changes to the UPCI Articles of Faith.

Blog Series

The Pharisees & Apostolics: A three part series.
The Darkness of Spiritual Abuse: A three part series.
Managing Traumatic Stress Through Art: A ten part series.
Children Raised Under Spiritual Abuse: A five part series.
Blindsided: A 59 part series on an IFB church in Knoxville, TN.
1 Corinthians 12: An eight part series on 1 Corinthians 12.

Former United Pentecostal Memoirs & Books

Backsliding Into Jesus: Finding Hope After Legalism is Jennifer Brewer's second book, released in late September 2023. She "has personally experienced leaving the United Pentecostal Church, as well as walked alongside others on their journey to freedom. This book explores the feelings and emotions one will inevitably face when leaving legalism and discovering the freedom of God's grace." Free: From Legalism to Grace Breaking Out of the United Pentecostal Church is also still available and has been helpful to many.

There’s No Such Thing As Dragons: Examining The Theology of The United Pentecostal Church is by Jonah McElhaney. His book covers aspects of the United Pentecostal Church such as Oneness, uncut hair for women, holiness standards, and their teachings on salvation.

Well written and captivating, The Uncomfortable Confessions of a Preacher's Kid is from Ronna Russell. Ronna had a childhood filled with fear of being lost, being left behind and of a father's quick temper, never knowing when he might explode. Some might also want to read Heretics and Politics: Theology, Power, and Perception in the Last Days of CBC by Thomas Fudge. Ronna was interviewed for it and it covers, in part, about her father, former UPCI minister Don Fisher. Other books by Fudge that are UPC related are Christianity without the Cross: A History of Salvation in Oneness Pentecostalism & C.H. Yadon: and the Vanishing Theological Past in Oneness Pentecostalism.

What is Spiritual Abuse?

Just as emotional abuse affects one emotionally, while physical abuse inflicts pain and bodily injury on its victim, spiritual abuse affects one spiritually. It is the result of a spiritual leader or system that tries to control, manipulate, or dominate a person. This control is often in the form of fear. This is considered a major factor in mind control/coercive persuasion or thought reform. There are those who feel the latter comes into play in cases such as these, while others feel the thinking is in error. No matter where one stands, it does not lessen the affects of spiritual abuse. (read entire text and watch interview with Stephen Arterburn, co-author of "Toxic Faith")

Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual Abuse

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Art Wilson and the United Nations

In 2013, UPCI pastor Art Wilson began services in a chapel across from the UN. Some have been baptized and/or spoken in tongues since then. Invited in 2015 to address the General Assembly of the United Nations, he asked Lee Stoneking to speak instead. Wilson wrote Stoneking's speech. This article attempts to clarify what happened. Lee Stoneking's false story about C.P. Thomas in India and claims of Osama Bin Laden having 40 wives held captive in a cave is available as well as him lying about a deaf infant being healed.

Facebook support group: This is our support group.

Sexual Abuse In UPC Churches

This covers cases of sexual abuse within the United Pentecostal Church. We also have a series of articles with in depth coverage, including disturbing situations involving Calvary Gospel Church and the Wisconsin District. Here's an archived report on James Underwood from Canada.